What and where can I find the ink that is used to fill in the numbers on the bottom of the golf club?

After hitting from the rough a few times I noticed that on the bottom of a couple of my golf clubs the paint filling was partially scratched off and I can’t seem to find a place that sells the “paint”. I’m sure I can go into any repair shop and have it done, but it doesnt seem like a hard thing to do as long as I have the paint. Anyone know where they’d sell it either retail or online? I’m located in the Bay Area.


2 Responses to “What and where can I find the ink that is used to fill in the numbers on the bottom of the golf club?”
  1. cottagstan says:

    I’m betting it’s not ink, but an epoxy paint.
    You may be able to pick it up in small quantities at a hobby shop. Good luck.

  2. giddy-up says:

    i agree with the previous answer. i’ve repainted my numbers several times. get model paint from the hoppy shop or a small can from “Home Depot” or something……don’t forget to pick up a small paint brush as well.

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