What are you supposed to wear to golf?

I don’t want to sound like a prissy girl or anything, but i really have no idea what to wear. My boyfriend is taking me tomorrow. Hes going to teach me. I have never golfed in my life (except for mini golf of course)

What shoes do I wear? (I obviously dont have the fancy spiked ones)
Jeans ok? Like what is acceptable?
We aren’t going to a country club type deal, so it shouldn’t be that fancy right?


6 Responses to “What are you supposed to wear to golf?”
  1. alchualto says:

    Wear pants, not jeans. It’s not comfortable. Sneakers or golf shoes if you have them. Top should be baggy or loose.

  2. crazydave says:

    Some public courses have a dress code. Generally, a pair of khakis and a collared shirt are acceptable just about anywhere.

    Some courses may be OK with jeans, but they won’t be comfortable for playing.

  3. hurricane says:

    Wear a polo, or at least a nice sweater. If you have khaki pants/shorts/capris, wear those.
    I probably would not wear jeans- just go with nicer pants. Tennis shoes are fine.

  4. soloflier7_98 says:

    Some golf courses dont accept jeans at all. Comfortable slacks, loose fitting top with a collar and tennis shoes. If its sunny out wear a hat to keep the sun off your eyes.

  5. Kaley says:

    definitely no jeans.
    khakis if possible or any other pants, capris, shorts(only bermuda). tennis shoes work fine. any collared shirt is acceptable, but not tight. if its cold wear a windbreaker or northface type jacket, or even a hoodie.

  6. Joshua B says:

    khakis and a polo

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