What golf name should I give my new female shih tzu?

I play a lot of golf and I plan to take my shih tzu to go to the golf course with me when I play. I thought it would be fitting for the dog to have a golf name. Any suggestion is welcome, please feel free to suggest other names too. I would just like it to be unique.


6 Responses to “What golf name should I give my new female shih tzu?”
  1. GP says:

    Birdie or Tiger

  2. Steve N says:

    Eagle would be wishfull thinking. Bogey might be more fitting.
    How about Obee or Duffer or Chipper or Putts.

  3. dutrank says:

    Well if he’s fat you could name him after my buddy John Daly. Maybe you can call the dog Daly?

  4. garymgwm says:

    How about CADDIE? Caddie sounds like a female name and sounds Scottish. I would have named my Shih-Tzu that if I was an avid golfer. It’s adorable.

  5. baby shih tzu says:

    putter….my cousin lives beside a golf course and thats what he named his dog.

  6. J&K's mom says:

    Caddie, Foozle, Sandy, Stymie, Waggle, or Yips.

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