What golf name should I give my new female shih tzu?
I play a lot of golf and I plan to take my shih tzu to go to the golf course with me when I play. I thought it would be fitting for the dog to have a golf name. Any suggestion is welcome, please feel free to suggest other names too. I would just like it to be unique.
Birdie or Tiger
Eagle would be wishfull thinking. Bogey might be more fitting.
How about Obee or Duffer or Chipper or Putts.
Well if he’s fat you could name him after my buddy John Daly. Maybe you can call the dog Daly?
How about CADDIE? Caddie sounds like a female name and sounds Scottish. I would have named my Shih-Tzu that if I was an avid golfer. It’s adorable.
putter….my cousin lives beside a golf course and thats what he named his dog.
Caddie, Foozle, Sandy, Stymie, Waggle, or Yips.