What is appropriate attire for a female spectator in a golf tournament?

is a golf skort ok? or should i just wear shorts?


11 Responses to “What is appropriate attire for a female spectator in a golf tournament?”
  1. tripleplay15 says:

    it doesn’t really matter what style, as long as it’s khaki pants/shorts, or skirt for ladies, and a polo shirt

  2. JD says:

    Don’t dress like you’re playing golf. Many people do that, including wearing spikes, and they look like tools. You’re not there to play. Just wear something comfortable, especially comfortable shoes.

  3. cantrow2 says:

    whatever your comfortable walking or sitting outdoors in for a minimum of 4 to 5 hours.

    avoid heels and anything Jennifer Lopez might wear

  4. Blaine says:

    Lots of the people i golf with are girls and they usually just wear a golf skirt plaid shorts or khaki capri’s and a polo shirt also you’ll be walking close to 3 or 4 miles and on your feet all day so some athletic shoes would be idea

  5. johnnnyappleseed says:

    I would say, something that doesn’t compromise your character…

    No matter what you end up wearing, you are going to look wonderful.

    You are going to make the gallery look good. Its you, that brings beauty to the game of golf.

  6. Jerod R says:

    I’ve been to probably ten PGA tournaments and it doesn’t really matter what you wear. You can just wear denim, skirts, tshirts, etc. Just make sure you have comfortable shoes. You will be walking a lot.

  7. Max says:

    If you are a spectator wear whatever you want, just as long as you are not naked!

  8. sno f says:

    personal favorites are short shorts, tube tops, micro skirts with knee high socks.

  9. Hubris says:

    If you are into balet, then you definitely want to show off your legs so go with the skorts. he shoes are the most important thing- you will be walking up and down hills, on grass, dirt, and maybe mud- I have seen a lot of girls leave their shoes behind in a soft patch of grass at a tournament.

    Definitely bring a hat or sunglasses, and you may want to bring something to sit on- unless you anchor yourself in the grandstands, you will have to sit in the grass, so bring at least a magazine, jacket, or even a folding chair, but those are a pain to carry around.

    And plan on using a portapottie for relief so you might want to bring some sanitizing wipes. And definitely some sunscreen.

  10. wedhacoy alejandro says:

    i have a big collections of outfit you might like..
    just GO here..

  11. wizebloke says:

    Wear something you like.
    4 hours of golf needs attention release every now and again. So if you want to be that welcomed distraction, then go ahead.

    On the practical side,
    – Shoes for walking on grass
    – Hat for the sun
    – Suntan lotion for those legs shoulders and nose
    – Water and snacks to keep the energy up

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