What is the average score on a 18 hole golf course for a fifteen year old?

I have been thinking about trying out for the golf team at my school this fall and i would like to see what other peoples opinions were. My average score for nine holes is about a 52.


7 Responses to “What is the average score on a 18 hole golf course for a fifteen year old?”
  1. Jeepers says:

    It never hurts to try, it really depends on how big your school is. You may be able to make the team, but if you have a big school you may have a harder time. Either way, you’re doing the right thing, continue to practice and keep trying. Perhaps even if you don’t make the team, the coach would allow you to practice with the team.

    Keep up the hard work, you’ll get there!

  2. Pearse M says:

    i guess that is alright, I am 15 too and I shoot around 42 for 9 holes. Keep on playing and you will get a lot better in fact last year I shot like a 56 so if you keep working you will def. make the team next year

  3. slam says:

    im 17 now and average about a 39 or 40..but when i was 15 i was atleast averaging a 49 or 50 and i played high school..the very next year i took off baseball and played golf all year and got my average down to about literally a 37..now im back into baseball and my golf game is slowly drifting away..youll get better..keep practicing and you’ll make it

  4. ixnaytim says:

    Your score is average to low at best. You will need to shave 10 strokes per nine holes just to compete. Yo can do this though if you practice around the greens.

  5. morpheushamster1 says:

    You have a long way to go. If you are going to be a freshman, to be the worst player on the team you need to be shooting atleast in the mid-to high 40s. I suggest you take some lessons over the summer and play golf at least a few times a week. Also to answer your question, I would say about any where from 80 to 90 if they have been playing for about a year or more.

  6. ToylaK says:

    You should definitely try out; even if you’re not spectacular in comparison to the other lads, playing in high school is a great way to lay a foundation for becoming much better in the future as you’re forced to practice so much. Go for it!

  7. Doug H says:

    I am 15 and I average in the low to mid 40s. When I first started playin though I was in the low 50s, but I practiced and you can too if your practce. If you get down to around bogey golf you will probably make your jv team.

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