What should i wear to a golf club wedding?

My boyfriend is the best man at his sister’s wedding. It is outside at a golf club. What should i wear as his girlfriend attending with him? also, any ideas for the rehersal dinner the night before?


11 Responses to “What should i wear to a golf club wedding?”
  1. yogabbagabba says:

    I didn’t know golf clubs got married.

    I suppose a driver and a putter could get along together. But a putter and a wedge? No way. That’s like gay marriage.

  2. LaLa B says:

    were a tight shirt and silk pants that go up to ur ancl3s

  3. Blaze W says:

    Male: DARK collar shirt ot Golf Shirt
    FeMale: I have no clue

  4. happy_fairy_gurl says:

    Treat it the same as any other wedding. Nothing to fancy (so you don’t outdo the bride) but make sure since it is your boyfriend’s family that you look respectable.

  5. hamed moradinia says:

    go to this web:www.ball.blogfa.com

  6. mooshyp says:

    I’ve been to 6 weddings and receptions at golf courses. a summer dress is very acceptable. the most important thing to remember though, is since the wedding is outside wear a slip if you are wearing a light colored dress, or everyone will see your undies. also, try not to wear spike heals, more than likely you’ll be walking through a lot of grass, you can’t look graceful in heels in grass. also, i’ve seen a lot of people wear sunglasses, i personally think it’s a bit tacky looking, but i’m not 100% sure about the etiquette on this.

  7. aingealcara says:

    something formal & strappy

  8. Bennett B says:

    If it is at a private golf club, it is probably formal. You probably should dress appropriately.

  9. TheresSomethingAboutMARY says:

    Since it is going to be outside (hopefully a nice day), you should wear a cute semi-formal/casual summer dress. Some styles I recommend are those baby doll dresses that are in style right now. Go to nordstrom.com. Make sure you are colorful and cute. Add a pair of wedges to the dress. This style would be absolutely PeRfEcT! For the dinner, I am guessing it is at a nice restaraunt (or something like that?). Wear a cute vintage dress and heals and layer some neckalaces or something.

    GoOd LucK to YA!


  10. fashion goddess says:

    On the rehearsal the night before the wedding, you should wear a baby blue skirt (long or medium but not short) and a pink tank-top with a baby blue shrug. Don’t forget pink flip-flops.

    On the wedding day you should wear a black dress and black open-toed high-heeled shoes for the wedding and an olive green dress with a tan shrug for the reception. Wear tan open-toed high-heels for shoes for the reception as well.

    Please pick me as the best answer! (It is ok if you don’t though!)

  11. Library Eyes says:

    sundress with thin straps and strappy sandals both occasions but the one for the dinner can be a bit more vibrant in color

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