What type of weather do you most enjoy a round of golf in?

I live in Southern California and we have no shortage of sunshine, but I would rather play a round of golf on a cool overcast day with hardly any breeze , how about you .


8 Responses to “What type of weather do you most enjoy a round of golf in?”
  1. AntDU says:

    75-80, low humidity, slight wind (prerably always at my back – lol) and partially cloudy (meaning there are clouds to keep the sun from glaring to heavily).

  2. padraigā™„ says:

    A nice sunny day…Nice breeze.. temp around 70…not humid…but I wouldnt want that every day…because i would like to get good in the wind..so id want some days to be windy so i could become better with that. I dont really like playing in the rain just because it gets sorta annoying carrying an umbrella and wearing rain gloves and just being wet…

  3. CJB says:

    An overcast, drizzly (not wet) day with a little breeze. Mid 60’s.

  4. wbaker777 says:

    My Ideal would be sunny and 70 with a light breeze…..Probably most golfers dream…….Nebraska gets plenty of wind..so learning that aspect of the game came early…..an old timer told me……”Son, If you can’t learn to play in the wind around here…you ain’t gonna play much golf here”

  5. sobe-ryguy says:

    i love a bit of rain… it is enough to scare off big crowds, and it is cool enough that i don’t sweat to death…

  6. jen says:

    I like playing in the fall, leaves changing color and all. However i am a beer bitch for mens leagues sometimes and for that i love hot sunny weather..

  7. Spartan Golfer says:

    I carry the bag so if it’s too hot, I get tired and have to drink like 6-7 bottles of Propel.

    Yeah, I like over cast days in the 65-70* range.

    Even 75-80 is fine if ther is a breeze.

  8. Jimbo says:

    England, ahhh good old England – every round is different – one day you’re playing in blazing hot sunshine with hard fairways the next day its raining heavily! Varies a lot for me. I like an overcast day with a slight bit of mild sunshine and maybe a little drizzle to keep me cool.

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