What would a wood golf ball be worth and how long ago did they use wood golf balls?

Wood golf ball, small crack, dented, can still see coloring and stripe.


2 Responses to “What would a wood golf ball be worth and how long ago did they use wood golf balls?”
  1. Bazz says:

    Well the wooden golfball was first introduced in the early 1400’s in Scotland. They were generally made out of Beech or Boxroot hardwood. The ball was very unreliable as you could imagine. they were used up until the 1600’s until the feathery leather ball was introduced. Back then the feathery ball cost around 10 times more than the wooden ones as it was significantly harder to make.
    Unfortunately i can not tell you the modern day price of a wooden golfball sorry hope all of this information helps the slightest

  2. no idea????? says:

    what you more than likely have is a older ball from mini golf. they were used up until early 1970s. mini golf was a big rage during the roaring 1920s. in the condition you describe, decline market due to economy. 20 dollars . best to hang on to this item. sports collectibles will recover. at this time very poor market. you defiantly do have mini golf ball.

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