What would you do when someone makes fun of golf?

This is from non-golfer: Golf is not a sport especially when just swinging your arm. Do you use those golf carts like seniors? You will not get healthy playing golf. What would you say to people who said those non-sense?


17 Responses to “What would you do when someone makes fun of golf?”
  1. somathus says:

    Tee off on their nutz with a 3 Wood

    So they don’t classify it as a sport. So what? Neither is weight-lifting or auto racing.

  2. davidgslayer says:

    Depending on how you play golf can define it as a sport. If its a group where they are holdin beer in one hand while swinging the golf club at the same time and not walking then its not a sport. On the other hand, if someone takes golf seriously, then it is a sport. Most golfers normally in tournaments have to carry their own bag (about 30 or 40 pounds) and walk about 3 miles. Its probably one of the least physical sports but it definitely is tougher than any other sport. Plus Tiger is more beast than most other atheletes. He can bench press like over 350 pounds.

  3. dvz says:

    You should challenge them to a round of golf. That will shut them up.

  4. GBeck says:

    1. You are not just swinging your arms, you are using your whole body. Tiger Woods and several other players have had to have knee surgery due to swinging so hard they twist the knee and cause damage.
    2. I am a senior and have problems with my feet, so I use a cart. I golf with a lady who is 81 who walks and uses a pull cart.
    3. Any kind of activity that gets you off the couch and away from problems of the day is more healthy than watching football and drinking beer.
    4. I would tell them (as a person who does play), that their opinion of the sport didn’t matter that I enjoy playing and that’s what counts.
    5. Ask them if they are still going to be playing basketball at 81.

  5. vdrive_60 says:

    I’m just glad they don’t play. There’s enough hackers out there clogging up the courses.

  6. mrnoright says:

    They are non-believers. Golf can make your healthy and wealthy.

  7. hello says:

    you should have them try to play and see that no, it is not as simple as swinging a club.

  8. Jason G says:

    Laugh at them because they’ve obviously have not played the game. If they had, they wouldn’t be saying what they’re saying. Or, you could bait them into trying it out and then laugh when they struggle.

  9. pejon60 says:

    Just laugh at them and walk away feeling sorry for them!

    It’s what I do

    Because you can’t convince an idiot about anything!!~!!

  10. Tommy M says:

    hit them in the balls with a 7 iron and ask what they think now

  11. Mike says:

    have them walk 3 1/2 miles while carrying a 40 pound bag of dog food (golf bags are about that weight) and see how they feel after.

  12. Johnny H. says:

    Well, I would say… “I would like to see you go out and play.” and then maby challenge them to a round and that should shut them up. Oh and if you do; Don’t rent a golf cart just walk the whole thing see how they feel at the end of the round.

  13. john says:

    Let them play in conditions like the British and Irish Open for 52 years
    and still have a fitness level a 25 year old would envy and you have
    Gary Player.
    Let them consider whether one stroke of a ball determines whether
    they will work next year and you have Qualifying School.
    Let them stand in a screaming group of people about 10,000 strong
    performing an intricate task and you have Tiger Woods.
    Let them enjoy the attention of kings and presidents and still go back
    to a farm in Pennsylvania and just be a neighbor and you have Arnold Palmer.
    Oh yes,golf is a sport and one I am blessed to participate in.

  14. Will says:

    lets play for ur girl and some money winner takes all golf a sport then neither is soccer. Soccer you run around chasing a ball!!!!!!!!!!!!! It takes no ballz to play soccer

  15. Mike says:

    Invite them to play golf in the summer with 85 degrees and sunny and play 18. See if they stay focus for the whole 18 holes.


  16. J. S. says:

    I don’t even dignify their position by trying to answer. I don’t need to prove to anyone what I know is already true.

    Golf is a sport.
    It is me versus me.
    I alone am responsible for the outcome.
    It takes patience, balance, power and mental toughness.

    Now fishing? No, it’s not a sport…. You might as well just call it “Tricking and Killing”

    I always say, “If someone sees you arguing with an a**hole, sometimes it’s hard for them to tell which one is right and which one is the a**hole”

  17. Kenneth says:

    Go have a hit. I’m sure you’ll miss it

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