When can you find the best deals in golf equipment?

When can you find the best deals in golf equipment? Do the big sales come in October or November?


4 Responses to “When can you find the best deals in golf equipment?”
  1. toughnottobeacynic says:

    The best deals are on eBay. However, you’re buying blindly. If you can a find and try a club at a large retailer and then buy it on eBay you will save money.

  2. ConnorWilhem3 says:

    I find really good deals on craigslist, assuming you live near a large city. I meet the private party person at a driving range and can hit the clubs in real life before buying.

    Yes, the winter is a good time, because their phasing out old models.

  3. thefistofdoom says:

    Specifically, the very end of January and into February are great times. The brand new equipment often comes out in spring, so this is a great time for brand new closeout stuff, as well as used stock everywhere, because they are starting to clear room for the new models. Good luck.

  4. Frank P says:

    January is a great time. Not only will new models replace the ‘older’ ones which will then be cheaper, quite often you get them at a post-Christmas sale even more reduced.

    For year round bargains check the notice boards at your local driving range. Quite often people buy clubs which are not suitable for them, and then have to sell them for a song. You can try them on the range before you buy, so you don’t make the same mistake…

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