Where can I find a free guide online to learn how to play golf?

In my P.E. class, every student is paired up with another to teach the rest of the class how to play whatever sport they are assigned. My topic is golf. I used to caddy at Medinah Country Club, but that was over 4 years ago and I cannot remember a single thing. Where can I find simple rules and instructions on how to play golf so that I may easily teach the game?


2 Responses to “Where can I find a free guide online to learn how to play golf?”
  1. jsawgirl says:

    these sites have information about how to play golf . you can also go to a local golf course and speak to the pro there and ask him. I am sure he would be happy to help since it is for school. Teaching other people how to play golf if you don’t play yourself is hard since it requires knowledge of proper stance, hand position on club, proper swing and club selection also. you could show a video of a good golfer hitting the ball instead of you demonstrating it. you could explain what they are doing as the video is playing.
    this one has a video also

  2. Mike says:

    The library!
    There are tons of good books on how to play golf.

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