Where do I go to find out if my autographed Tiger Woods golf ball is authentic?

I found a golf ball that has the signature of Tiger Woods on it. Where can I go online to find out if it’s really his signature? Do I need to have someone look at it and determine if it’s real or fake?


4 Responses to “Where do I go to find out if my autographed Tiger Woods golf ball is authentic?”
  1. tonalc1 says:

    Find an appraiser who specializes in sports memorabilia.

  2. skbsoccer16 says:

    YOu go to the next tournament where most likely you will find tiger woods. then ask him.

  3. greg l says:

    i would go to your local sports memorbilia store and see if they can compare it to a real signed ball or next time just dont buy it from a questionable place

  4. Sir Bran845 says:

    Dont you think if it was real you wouldnt find it lying around? dud duh DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

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