Where would be the best place to get golf swing improvement lessons?

i have been playing golf for about 4 years now and I have regressed. I cannot hit my irons at all. I either hit it fat or shank really bad. I have contemplated going to Golf-Tec, or my local golf course to seek a professional. I have also thought about individual teachers and online. Lastly I thought about buying videos. Any thoughts?


5 Responses to “Where would be the best place to get golf swing improvement lessons?”
  1. Matthew says:

    Lessons are the best as your teacher will see your own individual needs. Online and book instruction only tells you common faults and general fundamentals. What is golf.tec?

    Hope my answer helped

  2. Jason G says:

    Your best bet is to seek your PGA pro at your local course.

  3. Bill says:

    My friend has been working on his grip. He’s been showing me some stuff and it’s odd at first but it seems to help my swing.

    Check out his blog

  4. Superfly says:

    ask around and find a good teaching pro… they will help you get better I promise.

  5. keith says:

    You definitely might want to consider taking a few lessons because if your practicing bad habits then, your game won’t get any better. If your like me and don’t have a lot of money, you can google infomans golf tips and find plenty of free golf tips.

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