Why is the golf industry going down the pooper?

In recent years there seems to be no money in the golf industry. Forget about becoming a head professional or tournament director, these people struggle to earn a susistance wage.
The dedicated ones still around are in for the love of the game, but with our current economies stagflation (US), where does the future of this industry go?
Predictions on future?


10 Responses to “Why is the golf industry going down the pooper?”
  1. Truth Slayer says:

    Hopefully, golf goes away. It is an elitist, waste of space and resources. Not to mention it’s also interminably boring.

  2. Derek B says:

    its boring and more exciting sports are getting more popular such as UFC

  3. Lisa says:

    DISC GOLF!! (or frisbee golf). It’s like golf, only much cheaper!! You buy plastic discs, and you can play for free in many parks. (Those would be the aluminum baskets you see in the park). There’s frisbee golf courses all over the country, and the rules are similar to traditional golf.
    Disc golf is growing in popularity, and it’s more for the middle-class people.

  4. Sunshine says:

    Because the whole economy is in the pooper, people don’t have money for some game.

  5. Joel D says:

    The economy, my friend. For instance, I was trying to get a job at the golf course I’m a member at. I was told that I’d be playing for free golf and not be paid, because of the slow start. That’s just Michigan…

  6. pgarox says:

    Golf experienced a huge wave of attention due almost entirely on the emergence of Tiger Woods.

    Now that Tiger’s accomplishments have been fully absorbed and appreciated, and his thorough domination expected, a lot of people have turned away in boredom.

    Golf really never has been a hugely popular fad or interest in America. There have been times when singular figures, like Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, Arnold Palmer and now Tiger have brought a little more attention to the sport. But that always fades a little, and back to its proper level.

    As for the industry, there was way too much investment and marketing poured into golf during the mid 90s. The market could not possibly sustain that. And, true to form, we are now seeing the proper decline.

    Golf will find its natural level of interest and participation, especially as Tiger gets closer and closer to hanging his spikes up.

  7. Bobbio says:

    Interest in golf works in cycles, like anything else. The economy is but one factor. In fact there was explosion in building golf courses that just ebbed a couple of years ago.

    Tiger’s been a factor, but I think the aging baby boomer population meant more people hanging up the basketball shoes and buying golf clubs. Also, golf at resort or exclusive country clubs hasn’t suffered. Those people are recession proof. Municipal golf courses are experiencing a downturn as the Average Joe doesn’t have as much disposable income.

    Regarding the moron saying golf courses are a waste of resources, does he realize how little acreage is involved as a fraction of our entire country? Besides, grass and trees convert CO2 into breathable oxygen. Alternatives to chemicals are now common place on most courses, by choice, or mandated. Why would someone so anti golf be reading a golf site?

  8. Sharper says:

    because golf…before everyone with a computer became rich…was an elitest sport. now the economy sucks…its becoming and elitist sport once again. and less golfers…less supplies needed

  9. Melodrama says:

    It just takes up too much time.

  10. rkfan23 says:

    people are slowely liking it less and less. not too many young people like it.

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