4 Putting Training Tips For Golf

The putting stroke requires very limited and controlled movements. Uncontrolled movements like sliding, lifting or swaying can lead to miss-hits thereby adversely affecting your performance. Similarly, you need to train your eyes to stay stationed over the ball. Putting requires concentration and any deviation from this concentration may affect your distance control leading to miss-hits. Here are some golf putting tips for putting enthusiasts.

Keep A Skill Set

Keep lists of your putting practice exercises and skills you’ve learned during your training. Keep adding new skills that you learn to the list. You will profit by going back to the list from time to time because very often a basic exercise that you used in your golf putting practice routine gets forgotten and buried under all the new stuff that you learn. A good skill set list will help you visit and rotate all your exercises. This revision will bring you profit on the field.

Your Putting Stance

Golfers need to adopt the putting posture before they get ready to shoot. Spend some time and get your putting posture right during your practice session. Ensure that your posture is good, and that you have a straight back. Golfers shouldn’t hunch over the ball and the body weight should be balanced. Many golfers find it convenient to lean a little bit on the forward foot. Right handed players may lean a little on the left foot. It’s best not to get too close to the ball. Most golf trainers recommend the feet to be about shoulder-width apart.

Here is a relaxation technique for the intrepid putter. Stand for a few minutes in the address position. Imagine you are letting the entire tension stream out of your body. Deep breathing seems to help most golfers and a little deep breathing might aid the relaxation process.

Golf Putting Grip

Before you start putting always check your golf putting grip. Remember a relaxed consistent grip will in turn deliver consistency to your shot. Never try out a recently learned grip at a tournament. It’s better to familiarize yourself with the grip during the putting practice sessions.

Work On Your Short Putts and Speed

Getting your putting speed right is just as important. It’s important to practice getting just the right control over the club, so that you are able to impart just the right speed to make the hole.

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