5 Quick Golf Swing Tips to Improve Your Game Today!

Do you like playing golf? Have you seen Tiger Woods play it? Isn’t he amazing? If you are amazed with him just like I am, you probably want to know the secret in Tiger Woods’ golf swing. The reason he is so good is because he practices a lot. Possibly more than anyone else in the game. Yes, he has talent and a natural gift but it has taken years of practice to get him to the stage he is at right now. So here are some tips that will help you imitate Tiger Wood’s swing.

Tip #1: Keep Your Hands Low. When your hands are lowered in a golf swing, the follow-throughs’ height will be limited. With the follow-through limited, the height of your shots will be reduced.

Tip #2: Give Your Spine The Forearm. You have to make sure that you’re on-plane at the top of the swing. This will lead to a more powerful shot and a better accuracy.

Tip #3: Use Your Body For Power. When swinging the golf club, it’s important to know that the power of your shot is better when you use your body to hit the golf ball rather than just the arms. Notice that when you turn your body as you swing the golf club, a massive increase in power is visible.

Tip #4: Hinge for Power. On the backswing, make sure to create a 90 degrees angle with the club and your arms to the ground. When your arm is parallel to the ground and the club shaft is perpendicular to it, you’ll know that you’ve done your backswing right.

Tip#5: No flips. “Flippiness” is the term used when a golfer’s body gets too far in front of the golf ball. This can cause you the game. So in order to prevent this, establish a firm left side to keep your head behind the ball

Be sure to remember these golf swing tips so that you won’t make too many mistakes in a golf swing and remember to have fun playing!

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