6 Golf Drive Tips to Improve Your Golf Game

1. Stance

The power of your drive all begins with your stance. There are two things you want to do with your stance; increase the distance of the stance from the ball and spread your feet wider. By spreading your feet wider, you will have better balance and control allowing you to get a short and wide swing. In turn, this will allow you to get the control and power necessary for a strong drive.

2. Driving motion

Perfecting your driving motion can be particularly difficult, especially if you are a beginner. Getting a handle of your weight control is perhaps the most difficult aspect to your driving motion, but quite possible the most important part. You want to take your time and swing in rhythm.

3. Releasing the power

Driving the ball inquires a great deal of control and power together. If you have great control but no power, you will lack the distance required to set yourself up for a solid score. You want to build your power and release it throughout the swing. By keeping your swing short and wide, you will have great control over your swing while still releasing the power.

4. Know yourself

While there are a number of free driving tips that can be given to you, nobody knows you better than you. If you listen to others and swing outside of your boundaries, you will decrease your control and perhaps your power. It is vital that you distribute your weight evenly and stay balanced throughout the entire shot.

5. Practice

Practice, Practice, Practice!!! Go to the driving range as much as possible to help get a feel for your stance, your swinging motion and the power. Eventually you can take what you’ve learned on the driving range and apply it to your game on the golf course.

6. Imagine

Although it may sound cliché, it is crucial that you believe in your shot and your swing. Your odds of striking the ball solidly improve if you imagine the ball landing in the middle of the fairway.

By taking these free driving tips and applying them to your game on the golf course, you will find yourself striking the golf ball on the tee much more smoothly with great balance and power.

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