Golf Swing Tips To Lower Your Score

In golf your swing is just about everything. If you find that your long golf shots are not landing anywhere near the target, your swing is most likely the major culprit, and so here are some golf swing tips that can help you play your best.

* Make sure that you have a rock solid foundation for your swing. To improve your body foundation throughout your swing, try hitting a series of balls with your feet only about six inches apart. This may feel really strange at first, but before long you will start to develop a consistent tempo throughout the swing that allows solid ball contact. And when you start hitting the ball again from your normal stance, you will most likely carry along that solid foundation with you.

* Good golf players hit through the ball and not just at it instead. This promotes a powerful extension that ensures solid contact with the ball. In order to get the feel for this kind of contact, place another golf tee about 6-8 inches in front of your practice ball, and then try to hit not only the ball but also the tee out in front. When you can do both, you are powering through the ball correctly.

* One of the enemies of a smooth swing is swinging too fast, and it is a common problem for lots of golfers. You want a smooth, easy tempo to the swing, so when you draw the club back, imagine in your mind a brief pause at the top just before your downswing, and then consciously think of slowing the swing down. This has the effect of putting a nice rhythm in the swing instead of just a choppy motion.

* Its imperative to avoid moving your body back and forth as you progress through the swing. To counteract this, many pros envision themselves as being inside a barrel as they swing. A barrel would not allow you to sway back and forth, it would only allow you to rotate on its same axis, and that is the proper feel to develop as you go through your backswing.

* A good swing also has a low and slow takeaway from the address of the ball in your stance. To get the feel for this kind of takeaway, place a ball immediately behind your clubhead as you address the ball. When you start the swing try to roll that ball slowly back past your right foot with the back of your clubhead as you draw the club back. Doing this several times will help you get the feel for the long slow takeaway that is critical to beginning a good golf swing.

These few tips can help dramatically improve your golf score if you practice them regularly and get the right motions programmed into your body. When they are repeated over and over again your body muscles remember the motion even when you are no longer practicing the drill and they will help you put together a sweet, powerful swing.

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