Golf Tips – Choosing Your Weapons

When it comes to deciding on a set of golf clubs to buy, this process can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it.

You can go to just about any retail store that doesn’t have a golf pro and grab a set of clubs off the shelf, toss them in the trunk of the car, and head off to the golf course. You can find yourself a reasonably good set of golf clubs at a garage sale or an estate sale. Or, you can go to your local public course and chat with the pro-on staff there and arrive at a good set to buy.

Any or all of these suggestions above can certainly work. Much of it depends upon whether you are just absolutely starting out or, if you have been playing for a while.

Having said this though, your chances of ending up with a set of golf clubs with the correct loft, lie, size and type of grip, and a bunch of other stuff involved in correctly fitting your clubs is not a very good one to say the least.

From the perspective of someone who is just beginning to play golf, you must keep in mind that not too far down the road you may decide that golf is just not the game for you. For this reason alone you shouldn’t invest a bunch of money in your first set of clubs. In fact you should probably start out going the rental club route. Most driving ranges have rentals clubs available for the general public. So if you’re just starting out and want to know if the game of golf is actually for you, then simply use a set of rental clubs and take them out for a test drive on the driving range.

If, after a while, you’ve been to the range a few times and have hit several buckets of balls and you think golf is something that is going to become a part of your recreational activities perhaps then you may want to look at buying your first set of golf clubs.

As a beginning golfer when it comes to your first set of clubs you’ll want to go with a decent set of inexpensive decent clubs as an interim solution. Since you’re just beginning to learn the game and the golf swing, there will more than one period of adjustment as you learn the basics of the golf swing.

Remember that in the early going of learning how hit the golf ball, you are really going to be in the experimental stage of your golf swing so don’t be shy about trying all sorts of different styles and builds of golf clubs. And even beyond you first initial set of clubs, you are probably still better of to check your local paper, garage sales, and estate sales, when it comes time for your first upgrade.

A golf swing is something that evolves over time so you really shouldn’t run off and drop the big bucks on a set of clubs before you’ve given your swing a chance to develop and mature into what it is going to be.

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