Golf Tips For Beginners – 2 Powerful Tips!

These 2 golf tips for beginners will help you if you are new to golf. Too many new golfers rush out to buy the most expensive new club in hopes of it increasing their skill levels. The truth is that must new golfers jump on to the greens too quick without first doing a little research. I’m going to give you 2 powerful tips that will help you if you follow them.

Tip #1:

Pop in a golf video and actually watch it! I cannot begin to tell you how many times people buy these golf help videos and never even watch them. That or they simply purchase the videos and never really pay attention to the most important things being taught in the videos.

Turn on your television and find a golf match that’s going on! Study the way the golfers swing and what they do. Make sure you pay close attention to how they swing and where they put their feet when they swing. This is one of the most important of the golf tips for beginners that you can learn.

Tip #2:

After watching some videos and matches its time to test out what you learned. I advise that you start in your backyard or somewhere that’s private to avoid any embarrassment. Its like when you go to the gym and you are just getting started your not going to be able to bench much. So people try to show off and move to quick and it only hurts them.

So find a place that’s private and pratice your swing as well as your putting skills. Find a nice quiet place on the course and simply pratice slowly. Get the swing mechanics down and move on from there. This is just the beginning! I hope these simple golf tips for beginners have helped you, you can learn more tips below in my bio box. Good luck!

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