Golf Tips For Left Handed Golfers

Are you a left-handed golfer in need of help on improving your game? Here are some quick tips to help get your golf game on track and lower your scores!

A big mistake that many left-handed golfers make is a rather common one. They attempt to golf right-handed! As incredible as this may sound, it really is quite easy to understand. When most people first set out to learn how to play golf, they will borrow a friends set of golf clubs, unless they have the money to buy their own. This makes sense because most folks want to know if they are really going to like golf before they invest in an expensive set of golf clubs. So the clubs they borrow are likely to be right-handed.

There are a majority of left-handed golfers who will eventually go on to buy left-handed golf clubs. Again though, some will continue to play with right-handed clubs because they now have been playing with them for so long. They don’t want to try and learn how to play all over again with left-handed golf clubs.

It goes without saying that they will never be able to play golf as well as they could if they would only play with the proper clubs. When searching for golf tips, left-handed golfers have already discovered the most important tip of all and that is to play the game using left-handed clubs with their natural swing.

A good tip for left-handed golfers is to be cautious when choosing your new clubs. Unfortunately, left-handed golfers have a much more limited choice when it comes to purchasing golf clubs. This is especially true if you are shopping for clubs at a small golf store or local club.

Rather than simply buying a set of right-handed clubs that are not meant for you, consider holding off for a while. Wait until you can go to a bigger retail store or pro shop that will have a larger selection of golf clubs to choose from.

There is also one other option for you if you live in a small town and there are no sporting goods stores or golf shops nearby. You can buy your golf clubs through a mail order catalog. There are many good, reputable, mail order companies out there to choose from. You can find them by doing a search on the internet. A company like Golfsmith will have every conceivable golf club and equipment available to left-handed golfers.

Finally, one of the best tips of all for left-handed golfers is to get some good, quality instruction. A golf teaching pro can help you learn how to play golf successfully. You’ll receive correct swing tips and instruction that are tailored to fit your game.

One thing to keep in mind is to pick the right instructor. Ask if they teach left-handed golfers. If not, do they know a good teacher who does? Many right-handed pros have a very difficult time trying to teach left-handed golfers. It would be a great idea to have a left-handed pro teaching you how to play golf correctly.

By having the right (left-handed) clubs and good quality instruction, you will see your golf game steadily improve. That means lower scores and much more fun!

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