Golf Tips – What to Do During a Swing

Are you ready to get the perfect hole-in-one but you can’t get as far hitting the golf ball? It sounds like your swing may need a little improvement. There are a few golf swing basics that all beginners should know before stepping onto the green. Most importantly to start with-don’t take your troubles with you to the field. Clearing your mind and relaxing allows you to focus on your swing-and not to take your aggression out on the Tee!

Learn the Difference between the Backswing and Downswing-essentially, the downswing is what takes all the momentum to the ball and allows for contact. Your backswing affects your downswing more than most players realize. If your backswing is too slow, your downswing may not get the proper momentum and will leave you a little short on the field. Although your backswing is slower, you want to make sure it is fast enough to carry the momentum through the faster downswing.

Make sure that your arms and body are twisting properly with club, not just your wrists. You can achieve a harder hit when your whole body’s into it-move with the ball. After you have made contact with the ball, you will follow-through with your club. Your body should be completely rotated at this stage and your weight completely shifted.

There are many drills and tools you can use to optimize your performance. Although the swinging itself is a big part of the correct golf swing sequence, the placement of your feet, joints, and hands are another essential asset. Golf clubs with pre-molded grips allow your hands to begin in the proper position for swinging. Another tool to develop your skills is clubs that allow only limited movement to practice your putting.

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