Just Taking Up Golf? 3 Tips Every Beginning Golfer Should Know!

You should be proud of yourself on your decision to take up one of the greatest hobbies of all time. These quick tips should get you started , hitting the ball far, and making par in no time!

First things first: I will warn you. Golf is an incredibly addictive sport that may leave you feeling like a million bucks one day and the next make you feel like quitting. That is the beauty of such a great game. That is why it is so popular and that is exactly why it is so addicting.

OK, now that we have an understanding, lets start off with a few tips that will get you started right away. These tips aren’t designed to help you with your swing, but instead are designed to give you a good foundation on which you can build a strong hobby.

The first tip is to practice. It sounds very trivial, but it’s the absolute best tip any person can give an amateur starting out. Without practice, you will not play better, end of story. There is no book, no club, no fancy training aide, that can replace just good old practicing.

Second, start off slow. Don’t buy your clubs when you first start off, instead, borrow them. Then if you decide you love the sport (as I’m sure you will), then buy your own set of clubs. By doing this, you limit your investment, and you’ll actually know what you like and don’t like about the clubs you are borrowing to help you find a set of your own.

Lastly, putt for dough and drive for show. It’s an adage that has been repeated time and time again… because it works! A 2-inch putt counts the same as a 400 yard drive. It’s much easier to improve your putting than to improve your drive when you first start out, so make sure you spend a majority of your time on the putting green instead of on the driving range.

One more thing: enjoy yourself. It’s a sport, after all. It can get overwhelming with stress, it can be frustrating, and it can seem to be going nowhere at times. Just relax; you’re doing this for your own enjoyment.

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