Mental Golf Tips – The Importance of Consistency

Why is consistency so important in golf?

Achieving a level of consistency in your game is a great advantage in golf. If you can achieve a certain level of stability, you will have a better grasp of which actions produce certain results, and subsequently will make better competitive decisions throughout your game. Playing with consistency involves using tried and true techniques during your game to achieve a desired outcome on a regular basis. It also involves being able to identify situations that you should play with caution and take the safe route, rather than take chances.

Do you have one or two “safe” shots you can use in difficult situations?

One way of achieving consistency in the game involves having a couple of reliable shots to use during challenging situations. Relying on some well rehearsed “emergency” shots can offer comfort where you would normally experience feelings of anxiety. When faced with a challenge, such as playing from the trees or a bunker, it is common to try to overshoot or to attempt a fancy shot to avoid the extra stroke incurred from the hazard. Instead of attempting to overshoot from a bad lie, it is advisable to play a safe shot that will place your ball in a better position for your next hit. Over-trying your shot can end up in a hook or slice from your body becoming tense and stressed, which is going to add to your score rather than erase the stroke that got you there in the first place.

Of course there are times during your game where you can take risks; this is how you learn what works and what doesn’t. But if you can reserve the fancy shots for situations that are within your comfort zone, and use your reliable ones for your pressure situations you will play with much more consistency. Harvey Penick once said, “Learn one basic shot that you can hit under pressure and stick with it. If you have a good basic shot, you will rarely ever have to hit a fancy one.” If you can hit a shot that you are comfortable with in an uncomfortable situation, you’re much more likely to come out of it with fewer strokes in the aftermath.


1. Avoid attempting to “overshoot” or “over-try” your shot to keep up with your playing partner. Over-trying a shot causes tension in the body, which is the perfect formula for a poor swing.

2. Learn one or two basic shots that you can use to emerge from difficult situations.

3. Play for yourself by making calculated, strategy-related decisions rather than emotional ones.

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