Mental Golf Tips – Uncover Your Hidden Potential

Are you too focused on your “limitations?”

The functions of the conscious mind are to look, listen and learn. It does all the analysing, criticizing, reasoning and judging. The subconscious mind, conversely, is irrational and makes no decisions. It only acts on what it is programmed to do by instinct, genetics, habit, or repetitive thought. Its main functions are to control the body functions, guide movement, and store your memory. Every time a player hits a golf ball, their subconscious plays a fundamental role in their judgment and technique. The subconscious mind functions are always consistent; you don’t have to think about them. Don’t try to make something happen, just trust your stuff and let it happen!

To be able to reach your full potential, you must first become aware that it exists. Your full potential can only be uncovered if you mentally erase any preconceived limitations that have previously prevented you from moving to the next level. Potential is not something that is instantly accessible, it is something that must be developed through strategy and awareness. Developing a mental strategy to uncover your full potential involves practice and determination. It also involves believing in your own ability and continuously reminding yourself that it is within your power to achieve your goals.

What is your competitive edge?

A group of golfers may share the same skill level, and possess similar strengths and weaknesses, but what separates those who improve from those who continue to struggle with the same issues, is that the advanced players have learned to creatively tap into their mental resources, and in turn use this to their competitive advantage. Contrary to what you might believe, your thoughts during play are the defining principles that will steer you towards success or failure, no matter how much you practise your physical routine. Finding ways to connect with your inner authority can give you the competitive edge that most athletes yearn for. By realising that the power to succeed is within you, you can begin to remove any previous notions that have restricted your performance in the past.


1. To reach your full potential, be aware that it exists.

2. Your full potential can only be realised if you erase all negative beliefs. You need to have a short term memory for the bad shots and a long term memory for the good ones.

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